Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

I have not blogged in a really long time, I have been in a little bit of a negative place.  Things are amazing in my life.  I adore my kids, they are the biggest blessing ever.  My husband has been the biggest support and help through the last year.  I am getting ready to graduate from college!! (finally)  Everything is great in my life, but sometimes it really just feels like there is a lot of obligations.  My days are spent doing laundry dishes and homework, but the house is still a mess when my husband comes home.  Its really discouraging... BUT!!

I am blogging to say that last night was REALLY REALLY fun.  Dan was out of town so it was just me and the kids for Halloween.  Usually that means extra stress, and the kids fighting but last night the kids behaved.  They were all excited to trick or treat, there was no fighting, crying or fit throwing.  Everyone just had fun together, it was even relaxing.  I cherish these good moments with my kids. 

At the end of the night after the kids had all their candy in their bags, and they were sitting at the table admiring their loot they decided that they wanted to give it away to the Marines who could not be near their families.  I am so blessed, my kids have the sweetest hearts. 

My mommy batteries are FINALLY recharged!! 
Tommy is the best big brother ever, it was his idea to give all his candy away

I did Georgia's makeup for the night, she felt so pretty and special she even asked for "the eyelash makeup" (mascara).

Little Stevie is getting SO big she is now 14 months old.  Her favorite thing to do is give kisses and she tries her hardest to keep up with her siblings.

Katherine was surprised every time she got a piece of candy and she would run down the driveway to me so excited to show me what candy she had.

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